ALL RUSSIAN FRONTIER GUARDS TO HAVE MEDICALS AFTEE RETURNING FROM KOSOVO MOSCOW, March 12 /from RIA Novosti's Alexander Smotrov/ - All Russian frontier guards, after returning from the Serb province of Kosovo, will undergo medicals at the central clinical military hospital of the Federal Frontier Service (FPS) to see if their health has been affected by exposure to depleted uranium ammunition, Major-General Anatoly Kechin, head of the FPS military medical department, told journalists today. According to him, when the question was raised of possible adverse effects of depleted uranium munitions used in Kosovo, medical check-ups were carried out on all Russian servicemen who took part in peacekeeping operations on the territory of the Yugoslav province of Kosovo. The findings, Kechin said, revealed no changes in any of the servicemen's health. Even so, he added, all Russian frontier guards who will return from Kosovo will undergo medicals, just to be on the safe side.