TATARSTAN'S PRESIDENT TAKES BUSINESS IN THE REPUBLIC UNDER PERSONAL PATRONAGE KAZAN, MARCH 12, 2001. /RIA Novosti correspondent Vladimir Shevchuk/. Small and medium-sized businesses in Tatarstan (republic within the Russian Federation, Volga area) are from now on under personal patronage of Mintimer Shaimiyev, President of the republic. Mr Shaimiyev made such a statement at the meeting with entrepreneurs of the republic. The President is convinced that small and medium-sized businesses will play a decisive role in the socio-economic development of Tatarstan. The meeting focused on the draft programme of small business development in the republic for 2001-2004 and on private business problems and ways of their settlement. The head of the republic believes that entrepreneurship should form the basis of economic growth in Tatarstan, but many obstacles caused by red tape should be eliminated for this purpose. Rustam Minnikhamov, Prime Minister of Tatarstan, signed resolution "On Additional Measures for State Support of Enterprises Implementing Investment Projects." This document envisages government assistance to small and medium-sized businesses in the form of subsidies to partially cover interests stipulated by contracts of loan. Not less than 500 million rubles is planned to be attracted for these purposes from the republican privatisation funds.