TRADE BETWEEN RUSSIA AND IRAN IN 2000 AMOUNTS TO $600 MLN MOSCOW, March 12, 2001. /RIA Novosti correspondent Alexander Ivashchenko/. The trade between Russia and Iran in 2000 amounted to $600 million, the Russian Ministry of Economic Development and Trade reported. According to the estimates of the Ministry's experts, the trade between the two countries saw a steady increase of late. Last year, Russian exports to Iran amounted to $550 million, while in 1999 they amounted to $416.7 million. The imports from Iran in 2000 reached $50 million, which is less than in 1999 - $69.6 million. As the Ministry's experts point out, machinery and equipment account for more than half of the Russian exports to Iran. Other items of the Russian export include ferrous metals, fertilisers and articles of the pulp and paper industry. The main items of Russia's import from Iran are food products - nuts, fruit, juices, macaroni and tobacco. -O-(kos/nog) 12/03/01 19:08