VLADIMIR PUTIN ON RUSSIA'S COMMITMENTS TO COMPLETE NPP IN IRAN MOSCOW, MARCH 12. /RIA NOVOSTI'S CORRESPONDENT OLEG OSIPOV/ -- Vladimir Putin has reaffirmed that Russia will fulfil its commitments in full to complete the construction of a nuclear power plant in Bushehr. The Russian head of state said this at a press conference after negotiations with Iranian President Mohammad Khatami, reports the RIA Novosti correspondent. Putin said that delay in work on the facility is purely technical and due to both Russian and Iranian partners' failing to fulfil their commitments. This situation "will be rectified", Vladimir Putin promised. He said that Iran would like to extend cooperation in the nuclear power sector, and Russia is ready to participate in all tenders. Putin stressed that Russia's work in the nuclear power sphere is based on the rules of the International Atomic Energy Agency and under its control. (nov/nog)