TWO SUSPECTS ON THE MURDER OF MOSCOW LAWYER MOSCOW, March 12, 2001. /From RIA Novosti correspondent Gennady Lisenkov/. Two young men who have confessed to a murder of the head of the Justice Department of the Moscow region, Yuri Vlasov, profess having committed the crime so as to put an end to the "non-traditional sexual relations" with him. The press service of the interior ministry's department in northern administrative district of Moscow said this today. The press service stressed that the investigation group disposed of no facts to back up the suspects' version, and their confession did not prove they committed the crime. Therefore the probe into other versions is under way. The bodies of Yuri Vlasov and his driver Viktor Gruzdev with traces of tortures were discovered Saturday in Vlasov's flat. Yevgeny Karpov, 18, and Yevgeny Konkov, 19, were apprehended in less than 24 hours thanks to the fact that their phone number was identified by the automatic number detector in Vlasov's flat. A criminal case has been instigated under the article of premeditated murder.