RUSSIA OBJECTS TO NATO APPROACHING ITS BORDERS LONDON, MARCH 11, RIA NOVOSTI - Grigory Yavlinsky, leader of the Russian right-wing movement Yabloko, has proposed that the process of NATO expansion should not be encouraged now that many important international problems remain unsettled. In his view, the alliance's approach to Russian borders runs counter to "our interests." Just one reason for Russia's growing concern is NATO's recent aggression against Yugoslavia, which proved "politically dubious," Yavlinsky noted. On the other hand, Russia has nothing against the expansion of the European Union and, what's more, welcomes its coming closer to Russian borders, said Yavlinsky. In addition, Moscow is ready for efficient partnership with the European Union as regards, for instance, Kaliningrad. The above is said in Yavlinsky's memorandum, circulated on Sunday among participants in the London conference of the Trilateral Commission, a non-governmental forum uniting many prominent politicians and businesspeople.