BELGRADE CONDEMNS ALBANIAN REBELS' REFUSAL TO CONCLUDE TRUCE BELGRADE, MARCH 11, 2001. /RIA NOVOSTI CORRESPONDENT SERGEI RYABIKIN/. Serbian Vice Premier Nebojsa Covic branded as a serious oversight the refusal by Albanian rebel leadership in South Serbia to sign a cease-fire agreement. In his words, the overwhelming majority of Albanians populating the area favour peace and normal life. The same is with Serbs. The document which was to be signed Saturday meets their aspirations, but Albanian extremists construed it as inadmissible at the very last moment, said Covic. By his estimate, this move is anything but mockery by a small rebel group at the residents of an entire region. Belgrade has made every concession thereby convincing the international community of its aspiration for peaceful settlement of the crisis, stressed the Serbian vice premier.