SUPREME COURT OF RUSSIA DIRECTED REPUBLICAN COURT TO RETURN THE CASE OF FIVE TERRORISTS CHERKESSK, March 11. /From RIA Novosti correspondent Valery Olyanchuk/. The Supreme Court of Russia has directed the Supreme Court of Karachai-Circassia (a republic in the Northern Caucasus forming part of Russia) to return the criminal case in which five inhabitants are charged with preparing terrorist acts in a number of Russian cities, among them Moscow. As member of the republic's Supreme Court Ivan Nesterenko said, this case was returned to the capital for examination in connection with the demands by the indictees and their lawyers to transfer it for trial by jury. If such a decision is taken the new trial will be held in another region because there is no jury in Karachai-Circassia, Nesterenko noted. The trial of this case began in Cherkessk on February 26 but was then put off presumably to March 1-10, since the defendants were not brought in time from Moscow where they are kept in a pre-trial detention centre. All the five indictees have undergone training at the camps of wahhabis on the territory of Chechnya. They participated in the illegal bandit formations, and prepared explosions together with major terrorists Gochiyayev and Krymshamkhalov. The latter are to be tried in a separate criminal case, the member of the Supreme Court of Karachai-Circassia said. The case itself includes 10 volumes.