THE AMERICAN SECRET SERVICES USED THE UNDERGROUND TUNNEL TO EAVESDROP ON THE SOVIET CONSULATE IN SAN FRANCISCO WASHINGTON, March 11. /RIA Novosti correspondent Arkady Orlov/. At the beginning of the 1970s the American secret services used the underground tunnel for eavesdropping on the building of the Soviet Consulate in San Francisco (California). As the US News & World Report magazine says, it has received documents from the Californian law court which in 1983 considered the complaint of FBI agent David Castleberry who was dismissed on the grounds of "excessive weight." David Castleberry, who weighed 130 kilogrammes, brought an action against the FBI and demanded restoring him on his post and paying salaries. The documents, which the dismissed agent presented to the court, included his letter to the FBI, asserts the magazine, in which Castleberry described his services in the sphere of eavesdropping, and also his photograph made in the tunnel which was built beneath the building of the Soviet Consulate in San Francisco. -O- (kos/ter) 11/03/01 10:40