THE SIGNING OF A DOCUMENT ON STOPPING CLASHES BETWEEN ALBANIANS AND SERBIAN FORCES POSTPONED BELGRADE, March 11. /From RIA Novosti correspondent Alexander Slabynko/. Albanian representatives from the south of Serbia did not agree with the NATO plan of stopping the armed clashes in this region, Yugoslavian minister of minorities Rasim Ljajic said on Saturday evening in Bujanovac after his short meeting with NATO special envoy Pieter Feith. Ljajic reported that the Albanian side demanded that the negotiations be postponed and it be given time for consultations. At the same time he believes that the agreement on the truce will not be achieved before March 12. The consultations of the Serbian and Albanian sides with the NATO special envoy will be continued. "By Monday we could have concrete results not only concerning the signing of the truce but also on the deployment of the Yugoslavian forces in the buffer security zone," the minister stressed. Before meeting with Ljajic, Pieter Feith held negotiations with the leaders of the so-called liberation army of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja. According to reports received from Bujanovac he refused to make any statements before journalists and after the meeting with Yugoslavian officials looked dissatisfied. The armed clashes between the Albanian terrorists and the units of the Yugoslavian army and police continued for the whole day on Saturday.