IN THE USA THEY WERE AWFULLY PROUD OF THE SECRET TUNNEL UNDER THE RUSSIAN EMBASSY WASHINGTON, March 11. /From RIA Novosti correspondent Arkady Orlov/. The American secret services were so proud of the secret tunnel dug under the Soviet and later Russian Embassy for electronic bugging that even "offered excursions" in the tunnel for the high-ranking officials in the US administration who had access to top secrets. On Sunday The Washington Post newspaper quoted unidentified former representatives of the US administration as saying this. It is noteworthy that all these operations were carried out with typical American cynicism to the accompaniment of the Washington propaganda about Russia's spying activity against the USA. For instance, the American experts who are familiar with the technologies used in the tunnel told the newspaper that the eavesdropping was done by means of all kind of bugging devices some of them were connected with the communications in the tunnel by optic-fibre or copper wires. Some of these wiretaps could be connected to communication channels and even to power-supply wires the electromagnetic radiation of which could be "intercepted and deciphered". Lasers were also used in the tunnel for intercepting sound waves coming from water-supply pipes and other beams of the Embassy building's structure. A former US government specialist in electronic intelligence even said that tiny microphones cold be put into lavatory pans through water-supply pipes to eavesdrop on the talks in the lavatories, The Washington Post writes. At once several sources among the former officials and representatives of the US secret services confirmed to the newspaper that the information obtained through the tunnel was of small significance and that, as it became clear later, the USA received much misinformation through the tunnel for quite a number of years. According to the newspaper, the US government bought a dwelling house near the Embassy for digging the tunnel, and the entrance to the tunnel began in the cellar of that house. Admitting the existence of considerable technical difficulties during the building of such a structure, several former representatives of the US secret services confirmed to The Washington Post that a special subunit possessing sophisticated tunnel technologies existed in the CIA. It is not the only tunnel which was dug, one of such representatives told the newspaper and added that plenty of such things were created.