ARAB COUNTRIES AND IRAN CONDEMN THE US STATEMENT THAT JERUSALEM IS THE CAPITAL OF ISRAEL DAMASCUS, March 11. /RIA Novosti correspondent Alexander Krasnov/. Syria, the United Arab Emirates, Palestinians and Iran condemned on Saturday the statement of the US State Secretary Colin Powell that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. Powell also stressed that the United Sates is going to transfer there its embassy from Tel Aviv. Foreign minister of the United Arab Emirates sheikh Hamdan Ben Zaid Al-Nehyan told the US ambassador in this connection that the Emirates are deeply indignant and regret over this statement of the State Secretary. He demanded that the ambassador comment on this statement. The statement of Powell creates a dangerous precedent and means that the US supports the occupant and aggressor, Nehyan said. He believes that this fully undermines the confidence towards the US policy in the Middle East. It is becoming clear what a policy will be pursued by the Bush administration. The leadership of the Palestine National Authority (PNA) also condemned the statement made by Powell and stressed that neither side has the right to change the status of Jerusalem before the negotiations on this problem are over. The PNA statement also points out that, in compliance with the UN Security Council resolutions the holy Jerusalem is a part of the territories occupied by Israel in 1967 and negotiations are being held concerning its status. Press secretary of the foreign ministry of Iran Hamid Reza Assafi also pointed out that the transfer of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem may aggravate the conflict in the Middle East. He called on the Moslem countries and international organisations to take efficient measures to prevent the implementation of this intention of the US administration. Israel declared that the whole of Jerusalem is its capital, but the annexation in 1967 of the eastern, Arab, part of the city was not recognized by the international community and many embassies are working in Tel Aviv which is situated at a distance of 20 minutes car travel from Jerusalem.