ON KOFI ANNAN'S COMING VISIT TO INDIA DELHI, March 10, 2001. /from RIA Novosti correspondent Igor Alexandrov/--A source in the Indian Ministry of External Affairs has informed the RIA Novosti correspondent that the Kashmir issue will not in any way be discussed at UN Secretary General Kofi Annan's coming visit to India. Kofi Annan will arrive in India on March 15 thus launching a three-day trip there after visiting Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh. The spokesman for the Indian Ministry of External Affairs announced at a Friday meeting with the press that the problem of international terrorism would be in the limelight of the pending negotiations. This problem will be discussed in the context of a draft convention of terrorism India has endorsed for the UNO's consideration. India co-authored the UN resolution to enlarge sanctions against the Taleban regime in Afghanistan for non-observance of international commitments. The spokesman added that among other issues to be raised at Kofi Annan's negotiations with the country's leadership would the latest developments in Afghanistan, the reform of the UNO and the organisation's role in peace-keeping operations in which India is most actively participating. The UN Secretary General will hold talks with President Kocheril Raman Narayanan of India, Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Minister of External Affairs Jaswant Singh, Defence Minister George Fernandes and opposition leader Sonya Gandhi.