COURT REFUSES TO BAIL OFF BORODIN. LAWYER NOT DISCOURAGED MOSCOW, MARCH 10, 2001. /from RIA Novosti's Maria Lokotetskaya/ -- Heinrich Padva, Pavel Borodin's lawyer, did not appear discouraged as the Brooklyn federal court in New York City refused to bail off his client before extradition hearings, due April 2. Mr. Padva had not hoped for the Russo-Belarussian union State Secretary released from detention as US laws bans bails in extradition cases with exceptions for pregnant women, invalids, etc., he said to Novosti. Friday night's verdict cannot be appealed against, he added, though Barry Kingham, the suspect's chief lawyer, did launch a complaint without leaving the courtroom. Hearings on Mr. Kingham's appeal can be expected next week, as newsmen learned from Eleonora Sergeyeva, Moscow lawyer present at court. Russia will work on for Pavel Borodin's release, says Yuri Ushakov, Russian Ambassador to the USA. Appeals can badly prolong the proceedings, and the April 2 session may be put off, acknowledge the Ambassador and Ms. Sergeyeva. Pavel Borodin is facing prospects to be extradited to Switzerland on money-laundering and bribe suspicions.