IVANOV: RUSSIA'S EURO-NMD PROPOSALS AIM TO COUNTER POTENTIAL THREATS WITHOUT VIOLATING ABM TREATY STOCKHOLM, MARCH 9, 2001 /FROM RIA NOVOSTI CORRESPONDENTS ANNA BOBINA, LUDMILA BOZHKO/ -- Russia's Euro-NMD proposals aim to practically show the possibility of countering potential threats without violating the ABM Treaty or infringing on mutual security interests. Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov said this Friday at a press conference in Stockholm. According to the minister, Russia is maintaining dialogue on strategic stability with the USA, European allies, China and other countries since these issues are important for security of all states. "Given the dialogue proceeds in a constructive way taking heed of mutual interests, we will manage to draw up measures to allay concerns, do away with the challenges and threats, and altogether boost international stability and security," stressed Ivanov.