RUSSIA ORTHODOX CHURCH CELEBRATES THE FIRST AND SECOND DISCOVERIES OF THE HEAD OF ST JOHN THE BAPTIST MOSCOW, MARCH 9, 2001 /RIA NOVOSTI/--Today, the Russian Orthodox Church is celebrating the first and second Discoveries of the head of the holy prophet St John the Baptist and Forerunner. The Gospel says Our Lord Jesus Christ underwent baptism in the Jordan River at the age of 30. The the ceremony of baptizing which was administered by the holy Forerunner of Christ symbolized the right to administer every law, remission of sins and aimed to set an example for baptizing. The baptism of Christ is also known as Epiphany for the world saw the Three Hypostases of the Holy Trinity - God the Son accepted baptism in Jordan, God the Father witnessed that with the voice from the heavens, and the Holy Spirit descended from the heavens as a dove. After the baptizing, Herod Antipas, the ruler of Galilee, ordered to put the Forerunner in jail. St John openly denounced Herod for cohabiting unlawfully with his brother's wife Herodias. She insisted that the Prophet be executed but Herod would not agree to that for fear of people's wrath. One day, Herod was giving a banquet. Herodias' daughter Salome danced before the guests and greatly pleased Herod. In Gratitude he swore hi would give her whatever she asked. Salome asked for the head of St John. The glorious prophet was beheaded. The mouth of the severed head served on a salver opened to utter words of condemnation of Irod's immoral mode of life. The head was then buried in secret on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. In the 4th century a construction occurred at that place and the head of the holy prophet St John the Baptist was found. That was the first Discovery of the relic which was hidden so that it should not be abused by unbelievers. Later it came into possession of an Arian priest who re-hid in a cave. At this place arose a monastery. In 425, archimandrite of the monastery Marcellus had a dream in which St John told him where to find his head, something which is now celebrated as the second Discovery of the most holy Christian relic.