CHINA, KIRGHIZSTAN, UZBEKISTAN JOIN FORCES TO BUILD RAILROAD TO EUROPE BEIJING, March 9. /Alexander Isayev, RIA Novosti Correspondent/. China, Kirghizstan, and Uzbekistan are negotiating with the Bank of Asia issues of funding the construction of a transcontinental railroad linking Eastern China with Rotterdam, the Netherlands, China's Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region (XUAR) leadership announced in Beijing. Secretary of the XUAR regional Communist party committee, Wang Liecuan, said the construction of a second portion of a new Central Asian transcontinental railroad would begin shortly, as the 500-kilometer-long Kashi-Andizhan, Uzbekistan, portion is nearing completion. The total length of what the Xinjiang governor called the second Eurasian continental bridge will make 10,000 kilometers. He stressed that "the railroad will seriously strengthen economic ties between China, Central Asia, the Middle East, and Europe." The total throughput of the railroad is estimated to be at least 10 million tonnes of cargo per year. Experts from China, Kirghizstan, and Uzbekistan have finished the necessary research and preliminary work, which three years.