RUSSIAN CARGO MOTOR SHIP BALTIISKY-106 SAVES 12 NORTH KOREAN FISHERMEN IN SEA OF JAPAN VLADIVOSTOK, March 8, 2001. /RIA Novosti correspondent Anatoly Ilyukhov/. Twelve fishermen from North Korea were rescued today in the Sea of Japan by the crew of the Bailtiisky-106 cargo motor ship, of the Amur steamship company, RIA Novosti was told by Dmitry Ryabchenko, duty captain of the Vladivostok marine rescue and coordination centre. The fishermen were on two drifting small fishing boats, which had been carried far away from the coast during a storm. Fortunately for them, a Russian motor ship was passing nearby and the watch spotted a visual distress signal. The Baltiisky-106 is now heading towards a North Korean port where the saved fishermen will be handed over to authorities.