MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF GEORGIA SUPPORTS UKRAINIAN INITIATIVE TO HOLD SPECIAL UNSC MEETING DEDICATED TO SETTLEMENT OF ABKHAZIAN CRISIS TBILISI, March 8, 2001. /RIA Novosti correspondent Aleksander Imedashvili/. Avtandil Napetvaridze, Ambassador at large of the Georgian foreign ministry, informed this RIA Novosti correspondent that the Georgian foreign ministry supported the initiative of Ukraine to hold a special session of the UNSC dedicated to the settlement of the Abkhazian crisis. According to the Ambassador, the Foreign ministry of Georgia has already started drafting proposals for presentation at the UNSC session. Avtandil Napetvaridze said that Ukraine, which chairs the UNSC in March, had put forward the initiative to hold a special UNSC informational session dedicated to the settlement of the Abkhazian crisis. According to the Georgian diplomat, on Wednesday night Anatoly Zlenko, Foreign minister of Ukraine who arrived in Tbilisi discussed with President of Georgia Eduard Shevardnadze the matters of preparation for the special UNSC session. Head of the Foreign ministry of Ukraine proposed to his Georgian counterpart Irakli Menagarishvili to participate in the UNSC session and to appeal to the Security Council member states with the message in which to emphasize the importance of the settlement of the Abkhazian crisis not only for Georgia but also for the whole region.