RUSSIA CALLED UPON SECURITY COUNCIL TO STOP VIOLATION IN KOSOVO NEW YORK, MARCH 8. /RIA NOVOSTI/. Russia had called upon the UN Security Council to stop violation, provoked by Albanian extremists in Kosovo, Russia's permanent envoy to UN Sergei Lavrov announced at a session of the Security Council on Wednesday. Extremists tried to hit their goals even by destabilizing the situation in Balkans, the Russian diplomat added. He said that the democratic reforms in Yugoslavia allowed to solve the problems in the region, which was within the interests of all the Balkan states. "At present the Security Council has all necessary to settle the problem," the diplomat noted. Lavrov emphasized that the Security Council's Summit, carried out in September, last year, adopted a decision on providing peace in the region for the locals, no matter of what nationality and religion they were. He said that all international structures of the Security Council must strictly implement its decisions in order to prevent another crisis in Balkans. (kar/kar) 08/03/01 12:21