WOMEN SPEAK UP ON RUSSIA'S FUTURE AS THEY MEET WITH PUTIN MOSCOW, MARCH 7, RIA NOVOSTI - President Vladimir Putin met with business ladies on the eve of Women's Day. The 26 Kremlin conferees, whom Vice-Premier Valentina Matviyenko introduced as "persons who achieved self-fulfilment" faced the President with a "female view of what's going on in this country, its expectations, and its people" in a talk that lasted two hours. Children's problems were among the most acute of topics under debate. Kids feel unwanted, complained the women. "If we don't pay attention to it now, children's theatres will perform to empty houses within the next five years while kids will be romping in the streets," said Theresa Durova, famous animal trainer and Clown Theatre director. The problem has to be tackled urgently, agreed the President. 400,000 Russian children are now in orphanages or utterly neglected by parents, he added. The gathering demanded survival of the government health service. The women spoke for quicker babyfood factory construction in Russia. The versatile agenda included school reforms and landed property. The President pointed out a profound content of the conversation, and said he was sorry women were scanty in Russian politics, "a sphere in dire need of feminine qualities, which are welcome when you seek compromises and dodge sharp turns". Mr. Putin hopes more women will eventually appear on the Russian political scene. As he congratulated all Russian women on tomorrow's holiday toward the end of the conference, the President remarked that "It's good to mix with women--an ennobling experience which gives a store of useful information, into the bargain". His guests, in their turn, said they wished Mr. Putin were smiling more often--"we women like your smile."