RUSSIA * PARLIAMENT * KOSOVO * MACEDONIA RUSSIAN MPs BACK MACEDONIA FOR UN SECURITY COUNCIL URGENT GATHERING MOSCOW, MARCH 7 (from RIA Novosti's Pavel Shevtsov) - The State Duma, Russia's lower parliament house, called the cabinet to support Macedonian demand for an extraordinary UN Security Council session with ethnic Albanian violence, the house says in a statement, "On the Situation Round Kosovo Getting to an Edge". Ethnic Albanian separatists are active in Macedonia's north to clash with the police and frontier troops, and intimidate then public to cause a mass flight, while the KFOR is silently conniving though to thwart action of that kind based in Kosovo is its main task, says the house. Russian MPs call for close compliance with UN Security Council resolution No. 1244 and the Kosovo Liberation Army finally disarmed to bring Balkan developments back to normal and confirm the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries in that part of the world.