MOSCOW'S VIEW OF UNOFFICIAL MEETING BETWEEN UN SECURITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AND NATO SECRETARY-GENERAL MOSCOW, MARCH 7, RIA NOVOSTI -- Moscow views as "useful" a recent unofficial meeting between members of the UN Security Council and NATO Secretary-General George Robertson, RIA Novosti was told on Wednesday at the Press and Information Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry. George Robertson made a detailed report on the alliance's efforts aiming to ease tensions on the Macedonian-Yugoslav border. He reported on the NATO-UN interaction in the interest of the Balkan settlement. This meeting reaffirmed serious concern of its participants over the worsening of the situation in Kosovo and adjacent regions of Yugoslavia and Macedonia which came as a result of Albanian extremist groupings' actions, noted the Russian Foreign Ministry. The Ministry stressed that "due to unceasing provocations by Kosovo extremists, the developments on the border between Yugoslavia and Macedonia are threatening peace and security in this region".