RUSSIA DEMANDS GEORGIA FOIL TERRORIST ATTACKS ON RUSSIAN PEACEKEEPERS MOSCOW, MARCH 7, RIA NOVOSTI. Russia has demanded that Georgian authorities take measures to prevent attacks of terrorist groupings on Russian peacekeepers stationed on the border between Georgia and Abkhazia. Russian peacekeepers are risking their lives to avert blood-shed within the area separating the warring sides in order to create conditions to continue negotiations between Tbilisi and Sukhumi, runs the Russian foreign ministry statement a copy of which was sent to RIA Novosti on Wednesday. After the USSR disintegration and several years of the Georgia-Abkhazia armed crisis, Georgia's republic of Abkhazia proclaimed its independence. Then, the parties to the conflict turned to Russia to introduce its troops to the area in order to support an armistice there. At present, both Georgia and Abkhazia are trying to put an end to the conflict by peaceful means.