DESTRUCTION OF NON-ISLAMIC MONUMENTS BY THE TALIBAN IS A CRIME MOSCOW, MARCH 7, 2001 - From RIA NOVOSTI Correspondent. The Russian Federation's Commission for UNESCO expresses its deep concern over the destruction of non-Islamic shrines and cultural monuments on the territory of Afghanistan. The statement of the Commission, which RIA Novosti has received, says that "it is hard to evaluate the actions of the Taliban other than gross outrage upon the dignity of all those who sacredly revere the creation of their forefathers, which in the course of centuries have been giving people inspiration and faith in the brightest of ideals." The destruction of the monuments is not only a glaring violation of the provisions of the UNESCO Convention Concerning the Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage, but also a challenge to the entire world community, says the statement. In multi-national Russia, where the cultural heritage of all the peoples inhabiting it are highly cherished mullah Omar's decree "revives in people's memories the gloomiest pages of ancient and mediaeval history." says the document. The Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO supports the efforts of UNESCO General Director to stop the destruction of the monuments of human civilization and calls upon the world public to say its weighty word in defence of the non-Islamic cultural and religious shrines on the territory of Afghanistan. -0 (tol/ant). 07/03/01 15:05