RUSSIAN PROSECUTOR GENERAL'S OFFICE ON KREMLIN AND PRESIDENTIAL PLANE RENOVATION MOSCOW, March 7. /RIA Novosti/ -- The Russian Prosecutor General's Office has found no violations of law during the probe into the renovation of the Great Kremlin Palace, the Audit Chamber building, and the so-called presidential plane, senior sources in the Prosecutor General's Office told RIA Novosti today. The probe was carried out on international investigation request of Daniel Devaud, an investigator with the Court of the canton of Geneva. Swiss law enforcement agencies believe that money laundering was rife during the renovations. The Prosecutor General's Office forwarded a detailed report to investigator Devaud. The Prosecutor General's Office's Information and Public Relations Department officials pointed out that the Prosecutor General's Office had briefed the lawyers representing Pavel Borodin in the United States on the probe results. Borodin was directly involved in the renovations.