RUSSIAN PRESIDENT AND PREMIER DISCUSS PRIORITY BILLS MOSCOW, MARCH 7, 2001 /FROM A RIA NOVOSTI CORRESPONDENT/ -- President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia met with Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov in the Kremlin. According to presidential press secretary Alexei Gromov, the meeting focused on the priority list of draft laws that the government is to submit to the State Duma for immediate consideration at the spring session. The State Duma is the lower house of parliament. The list includes bills on legalisation of illegal income, lifting of administrative barriers /simplifying the procedure of enterprises' registration/, taxation, land exploitation, and banking activities. To quote Gromov, the sides also discussed the general economic situation in the country and came to the conclusion that measures taken in February had allowed to slow down inflation. The president instructed the government to draw up measures to prevent illegal migration to the country, said the presidential press secretary.