PHYSICIANS DISCUSSED THE PLAN OF ENSURING SANITARY NORMS WHILE ELIMINATING CHEMICAL WEAPONS MOSCOW, March 6, RIA Novosti correspondent Galina Baryshnikova - The Collegium of the Health Ministry discussed the plan of carrying out measures to ensure the medical and sanitary norms while eliminating chemical weapons in Russia. This work is being done within the framework of the federal Law on Eliminating Chemical Weapons and the presidential Programme for Eliminating the Resources of Chemical Weapons in Russia. By the year 2007, Russia has to eliminate 40,000 tons of toxic agents which are kept in seven arsenals in the territory of six constituent members of the Russian Federation, and 24 facilities for producing chemical weapons, said Vladimir Reva, the head of the Federal Department of Medical, Biological and Extreme Problems under the auspices of the Health Ministry. In carrying out the programme, the efforts of the Health Ministry will be directed first of all at protecting the health of the specialists engaged in eliminating the facilities for producing chemical weapons and the health of the population living nearby. Another aim of the ministry is to train medical personnel. The Health Ministry will supervise the designing, construction and the running of the plants for eliminating chemical weapons and will control environmental protection. -O- (kos/kaf) 06/03/01 17:19