HEAD OF DAGHESTAN DELIVERS ANNUAL MESSAGE TO PARLIAMENT OF THE REPUBLIC MAKHACHKALA, MARCH 6 - From RIA Novosti Correspondent. Magomedali Magomedov, head of Daghestan (a federal republic in the Northern Caucasus) has delivered an annual message to the parliament of the republic. Summing up the results of the past year, the head of Daghestan stressed that in 2001 the GDP showed a 17% growth for the first time since reforms were launched in the republic. Apart from that, he said that more than 40,000 unemployed were given jobs or took part in paid public works, which is about 70% of the total number of people who asked for employment. On the whole, the number of unemployed in the republic dropped by 10%. According to Magomedov, "the active domestic and foreign policy efforts of the President of the Russian Federation to strengthen the state, consolidate society and get the country out of the crisis find understanding and support of the majority of citizens." -0 (tol/kaf). 06/03/01 16:57