SWEDEN ATTACHES GREAT IMPORTANCE TO PUTIN'S VISIT TO STOCKHOLM PARIS, MARCH 6, 2001 /FROM RIA NOVOSTI CORRESPONDENT LEONID KOKOVICH/ -- Sweden as the country holding the EU presidency highly values the forthcoming visit by Russian President Vladimir V. Putin to Stockholm with a view to attending the EU-Russia summit meeting. Swedish Prime Minister Goran Persson said this Tuesday following talks with French President Jacques Chirac. The summit meeting will take place in the Swedish capital on March 23-24. According to Persson, the summit and the following official breakfast will highlight extension of Russia-EU economic cooperation, first of all in the energy sphere. Besides, international issues will be on the agenda, including the situation in the Middle East and the Balkans, the process of Korean integration. The Swedish premier also stressed that Vladimir V. Putin is expected to familiarize European leaders with the current situation in the Chechen Republic. In the wake of the EU-Russia summit EU leaders will swap opinions on social and demographic problems facing European countries, on food security and biotechnologies, and on environment protection. Goran Persson has left Paris for Madrid. Incumbent chairman of the EU is making a European tour of EU capitals in the framework of the preparations for the pending summit meeting in Stockholm.