SESSION OF RUSSIAN-PORTUGUESE COMMISSION ON ECONOMIC COOPERATION WAS HELD IN LISBON LISBON, MARCH 6, 2001 /FROM RIA NOVOSTI CORRESPONDENT VITALY MIRNY/ -- The first session of the Russian-Portuguese mixed commission on economic, industrial and technical cooperation was capped in Lisbon with the signing of a final protocol. The delegation of Russia was headed by the chairman of the Russian part of the commission, head of the Emergency Situations Ministry Sergei Shoigu. The documents maps out the directions of the development of trade and economic relations in the fishing, mining, forest, furniture and footwear industries. The Russian delegation also submitted a proposal on establishing cooperation of the Russian regions with Portugal. Minister Shoigu expressed satisfaction with the results of the commission's work, stressing that the Russian side "will create favourable conditions for the activity of Portuguese firms on the Russian market" and hopes for analogous moves on the part of Lisbon.