PROGRAMME TACIS ENCOURAGES DUMA MOSCOW, MARCH 5 (from RIA Novosti's Pavel Shevtsov) - TACIS programme implementation encourages legislative efforts of the State Duma, Russia's lower parliamentary house, said Nikolai Troshkin, in charge of the Duma staff, as he was conferring with his counterparts of Italy, France and Germany. The conferees summed up the achievements of Duma staff partnership with the European Commission on the TACIS programme. The Duma received practical advice to streamline its staff arrangements and personnel management, and update information technologies. The Duma cannot cope with all bills in due time--it presently has 2,400 for consideration. More than a half are doomed never to reach even an initial reading. Mr. Troshkin is optimistic, however, and expects TACIS-envisaged improvements to spectacularly increase house efficiency.