GEORGIAN LEADER DISGRUNTLED OVER VISA REGULATIONS BETWEEN RUSSIA AND GEORGIA TBILISI, MARCH 5. /RIA NOVOSTI'S DAVID IMEDASHVILI/ -- The visa regulations between Georgia and Russia are "a historic anomaly", said Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze in an interview with National Radio. The Georgian president noted that "thanks to Georgian and Russian diplomats' effort we have found a compromise facilitating the visa regime for certain categories of citizens". Shevardnadze expressed the opinion that "at the moment purposeful work towards adopting a new framework agreement with Russia should be continued on the basis of the coincidence of interests, mutual respect and fair compromises". When asked to comment on the declaration by Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov on Russia being ready to consider removal of the visa regulations in return for Georgia's assistance in combating terrorism and preventing activities of Chechen terrorists in Georgia, Shevardnadze said that he has no information on "terrorists operating in Georgia". Russian officials are known to have said that they were forced to introduce visa regulations with Georgia. Tbilisi has permanently been giving medical and financial aid to Chechen extremists. Bandits have found a warm welcome in Georgia.