RUSSIA AND POLAND COOPERATE IN THE SPHERE OF FINANCIAL CONTROL MOSCOW, March 5. /From RIA Novosti correspondent Olga Shcherbacheva/. Head of the Audit Chamber of the Russian Federation Sergei Stepashin and Chairman of the Supreme Audit Chamber of the Polish Republic Janos Wojciechowski signed an agreement on cooperation between the two agencies. Later Stepashin told newsmen that the agreement envisages an exchange of experience in the sphere of improving the methodology of state financial control, organisation of professional training and improvement of qualifications of the two agencies' personnel. According to Stepashin, the sides agreed to carry out a joint audit in the Kaliningrad Region (Russian enclave in the Baltics) in the first six months of 2001. The head of the Audit Chamber expressed hope that the President of Russia and the government of the Russian Federation "will be interested in this audit". According to him, the Polish side is ready to put necessary materials at the disposal of the Russian Audit Chamber. "The customs frontier and the border control in the Kaliningrad Region should bring revenues to the treasury", Stepashin said.