SHOOTOUTS ON MACEDONIA-KOSOVO BORDER BELGRADE, MARCH 5. /RIA NOVOSTI'S CORRESPONDENT SERGEI RYABIKIN/ -- Near Tanusevci on the border of Macedonia and Yugoslavia's Kosovo, Macedonian servicemen and Albanian militants are engaging in shootouts. The Macedonian Defense Ministry reported in Skopje that Albanian paramilitary formations, calling themselves "national liberation army", are firing at Macedonian army positions. Albanian terrorists are using automatic rifles and mortars. The Macedonian army is reciprocating and shootouts are growing in intensity, witnesses say. No victims have yet been reported. Additional Macedonian army units are being lifted to the area of clashes and the police are mobilising their reservists country-wide. Macedonian electronic media say that the Defense Ministry has also begun mobilisation. Not long ago Albanian terrorists killed three Macedonian servicemen. (nov/kaf)