THE OSCE HAS CONDEMNED VIOLENCE ON THE BORDER BETWEEN MACEDONIA AND KOSOVO VIENNA, March 5, RIA Novosti correspondent Borislav Pechnikov - The mission of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in Skopje has condemned the acts of violence on the border between Macedonia and the Yugoslav province of Kosovo. The statement of the mission, issued by the OSCE secretariat in Vienna, calls upon the international community to take the most resolute measures for supporting the principles of stability and territorial integrity of Macedonia. The OSCE mission in Skopje draws attention to the circumstance that the police and military authorities of Macedonia behave restrainedly in the face of continuing provocations. In the opinion of the mission's leadership any measures against the provocateurs must be adequate and, if possible, be coordinated with representatives of the international peacekeeping forces (KFOR) in Kosovo. Albanian terrorists have been keeping the northern part of the border between Macedonia and Kosovo for more than two weeks now. Not far from the village of Tanusevci, occupied by them, three Macedonian military men were killed on Sunday. After that incident, the Macedonian security forces closed the border with Kosovo in the afternoon. -O- (kos/kaf) 05/03/01 16:26