MOLDAVIAN CONSTITUTIONAL COURT TO ENDORSE ELECTION RESULTS CHISINAU, March 5. /From RIA Novosti correspondent Lyudmila Rybkina/. The Central Election Commission (CEC) of Moldavia has submitted to the Constitutional Court of the republic the documents on the results of the February 25 early parliamentary elections. Anatol Pulke, the CEC secretary, said that now the Constitutional Court is to check the documents within ten days. In case the Constitutional Court endorses the election results, a new parliament has a right to start working on the second day after the court makes public its decision to this effect. According to the documents, three political formations out of 27 blocs, parties, and independent deputies which took part in the elections, got seats in the new legislative assembly. In particular, the Party of Communists of Moldavia received more than 50 per cent of the votes, the Braghis Alliance headed by incumbent Prime Minister Dumitru Braghis -- more than 13 per cent, and the Christian-Democratic People's Party -- more than 8 per cent of the votes. According to the decision of the Central Election Commission, in the new parliament the Communists should get 71 out of 101 mandates, the Braghis Alliance and the Christian-Democratic People's Party - 19 and 11 mandates respectively.