RIGHTISTS, LIBERALS WAVER ON NO CONFIDENCE VOTE MOSCOW, March 5. /Maria Pozdnyakova, RIA Novosti Correspondent/. The Union of Right Forces, or SPS, and Yabloko liberal factions are still in two minds about the Duma (the lower house) holding a vote of no confidence in the government, sources close to the meeting of the two factions' Coordinating Council disclosed. Irina Khakamada, Deputy Speaker of the State Duma, told reporters that "the factions will continue consultations on this subject throughout this week, with the final decision taken immediately before the vote on the issue." At the same time, Khakamada stressed that both the SPS and Yabloko had "a negative attitude to the government's work". "Liberal programmes are carried out by the cabinet of ministers only under political pressure," Irina Khakamada said.