RUSSIA TO DISPATCH 3,000 PARATROOPERS TO TAJIKISTAN MOSCOW, March 5, 2001. /From RIA Novosti correspondent Alexander Konovalov/--Fearing a large-scale Taliban aggression against Central Asian CIS states, the General Staff of Russia's Armed Forces is planning to dispatch a 3,000-strong landing force to Tajikistan to repel any attacks that might occur. According to a high-ranking spokesman for the General Staff, the situation in the region might get worse in late April or early May, when large groups of Islamic terrorists from Afghanistan are expected to invade Tajikistan and attempt a breakthrough to Uzbekistan. The decision to send paratroopers to Central Asia "was envisaged in an emergency plan drawn up for such a case" and fully corresponds with the Program of Joint Actions against Terrorism and Extremism that the Council of CIS heads adopted last summer, said the spokesman. Answering RIA Novosti's question, Commander of Russia's Airborne Troops Colonel General Georgy Shpak said paratroopers had long ago been told to be ready to leave for Tajikistan if necessary. Islamic extremists already attempted attacks on Central Asian states in 1999 and 2000 but were crushed and repelled. Some of the terrorist groups retreated to the northern provinces of Afghanistan, where they have remained up to this point.