US DUG TUNNEL TO SPY ON EMBASSY WASHINGTON, MARCH 5, 2001 /FROM RIA NOVOSTI CORRESPONDENT ARKADY ORLOV/ -- US secret services constructed an underground tunnel under the Soviet Union's Embassy in order to eavesdrop. The entrance to the tunnel was located inside a nearby apartment house. This was disclosed here today by The Washington Post, which referred to an anonymous former US-administration spokesman. According to that official, the US Government used to spend a lot of money on tunnel-repair operations and on its security at least until 1995. The secret-tunnel operation entailed quite a few engineering and technical problems. Among other things, all earth had to be taken out secretly, so as not to attract anyone's attention. Besides, laser rays had to be directed inside the embassy building from beneath steel girders and focused accordingly, the official noted. In his words, water leaks were always a problem. Referring to information that was obtained from former US-administration spokesmen and former US intelligence-service operatives, The Washington Post also notes that the secret tunnel continued to function, despite US apprehensions that the Russian side might have learned about its existence. That extraordinary project flopped, an anonymous veteran official of Republican administrations noted. In his words, the United States ultimately found out that the tunnel had been discovered, after obtaining false information with its help.