A CHINESE SPY DETAINED IN THE KHABAROVSK AIRPORT VLADIVOSTOK, March 5, 2001 /from RIA Novosti correspondent Anatoly Ilyukhov/ -- A citizen of China, Li Yun, was detained in the Khabarovsk airport at the customs checkpoint. He tried to take out of Russia secret draughts of an atomic submarine and the scheme of the location of the fighting ships of the Kamchatka flotilla. This was reported by the press centre of the Far Eastern Customs Department. During the detention the citizen of China, who is the head of the private company Zhun Kei, behaved with self-confidence and tried to assure the authorities that these draughts were his own invention. However, the expertise has refuted his assurances. A criminal case has been launched in this connection, and investigation is under way to find out the channel that provided the secret documents. -O-(kos/ant) 05/03/01 09:39