THE PRESIDENT OF NIGERIA ARRIVES IN MOSCOW ON MONDAY TO PAY AN OFFICIAL VISIT MOSCOW, March 4. /RIA Novosti correspondent/. President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Olusegun Obasanjo arrives in Moscow on Monday, March 5, to pay an official visit. As RIA Novosti was told in the Russian Foreign Ministry, the plane is expected to arrive in Vnukovo-2 Airport at 15:00, Moscow time. Immediately from the airport, the Nigerian President will go to the diplomatic mission and will meet with members of the Nigerian Embassy in Moscow. In the evening, Olusegun Obasanjo will go to the ballet The Swan Lake in the Moscow Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Academic Music Theatre. On Tuesday morning the Nigerian President will meet with representatives of the Nigerian community in Moscow and will lay a wreath to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Kremlin Wall. Then, in the Kremlin he will meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin. That same day the Nigerian President will meet with the chairmen of the lower and upper houses of the Russian parliament - Speaker of the State Duma Gennady Seleznev and Chairman of the Federation Council Yegor Stroyev. After that he will be shown the sights of the Kremlin. On Wednesday, Olusegun Obasanjo will visit the Centre, which displays Russian aircraft, in Kubinka near Moscow, and then he will meet with representatives of the Russian business circles. The President's programme for Wednesday also includes: the ceremony of conferring the title of Honorary Doctor of the Russian Friendship University to President Olusegun Obasanjo of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, a meeting with representatives of the African diplomatic corps and a visit to the Moscow Serp i Molot Metallurgical Plant. At 19:15, Moscow time, the head of the Nigerian state will fly home from the Vnukovo-2 Airport. -O- (kos/ter) 04/03/01 13:57