NOVOSIBIRSK ROLLOUT DUE IN MILAN ON MARCH 4 THROUGH 6 NOVOSIBIRSK, March 4. /RIA Novosti's correspondent Natalya Reshetnikova/. Presentation of the Novosibirsk region (in Western Siberia) will be held in Milan on March 4 through 6. The RIA Novosti correspondent was told at the press service of the local administration that rollout is due upon agreement between the region's administration and the Italian mission in Novosibirsk. The presentation will be held for the first time in Italy. Late last year the first similar event, Novosibirsk Days, were held at the Russian-British chamber in Moscow. The delegation, to be led by Novosibirsk governor Victor Tolokonski, will be made up of the mayor of Novosibirsk, chairman of its chamber of trade and industry, managers of industrial, financial and banking businesses, scientists and representatives of the tourist industry. Among the organisers of the rollout is the Italian Foreign Trade Institute. During the visit will be held negotiations between representatives of Italian and Novosibirsk enterprises and firms. They will discuss cooperation in the field of information technologies, joint development and marketing of software products. Prospects of investment activities in Russia will also be in discussion.