ARCHBISHOP TADEUSZ KONDRUCEVIC CALLS TALIBAN'S DESTRUCTION OF HISTORICAL RELICS AS CONTRADICTORY TO COMMON SENSE MOSCOW, 3 March 2001. /From RIA Novosti correspondent Ekaterina Antipova/. Taliban's destruction of Afghanistan's historical monuments of the pre-Islamic epoch runs "counter to common sense", Tadeusz Kondrucevic, the Archbishop of Catholic Apostolic Administration in the northern areas of the European part of Russia, told RIA Novosti. Each historical monument, he underscored, is "the humankind's heritage". Even if the given relics are discordant with the cultural values of the people who have come to inhabit the land the monuments had been erected on, the Archbishop said, "it is no reason for destroying the relics." In his opinion, "those who had erected these monuments created them to express their worship of God. Every human being is entitled to his/her freedom of conscience."