TALIBAN NOT GOING TO GIVE UP TERRORIST USAMA BIN LADEN TO INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE ISLAMABAD, March 3. /RIA Novosti correspondent Vladimir Shreter/. The Taliban never intended, nor do they intend now, to give terrorist Usama bin Laden over to international justice, Pakistan's Interior Minister Moinuddin Haider, said in Islamabad. The Pakistani Minister denied reports carried in Pakistani and foreign media that in the course of his recent visit to Afghanistan the Taliban leadership had allegedly discussed such a proposal with him. He said that during the talks the Taliban leader, Mullah Omar, only said that if the US has any proofs of Usama bin Laden's terrorist activity, they must be turned over to the Taliban, who are ready to examine such charges at an open trial. "If we find that Usama is guilty of masterminding bombings or such like things, as the US claims, then the Afghan court will itself decide what to do with him" the Pakistani Interior Minister quoted Omar as saying. Another Taliban proposal, according to him, was to hold a court hearing on bin Laden by theologians from Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and a certain third Moslem country. Asked if "terrorist No. 1" could be tried in Pakistan, the Pakistani Minister answered in the negative.