HUNGARY TAKES INTEREST IN MILITARY-TECHNOLOGICAL CONTACTS WITH RUSSIA MOSCOW, March 2. /From RIA Novosti correspondent Aleksander Ivashchenko/. Hungary is interested in stepping up military-technological cooperation with Russia, the country's Economics Minister Gyorgy Matolcsy said Friday following a Moscow meeting of the Russo-Hungarian intergovernmental commission for economic and scientific contacts. Issues related to military-technological cooperation were prominent at today's meeting of the intergovernmental commission as well as at a meeting of the ad hoc group for military-technological contacts operating within the commission. Russia is offering to update the Soviet- and Russian-made military equipment adopted in the Hungarian armed forces. Today, Russia moved to launch a project of modernizing the Hungarian Air Force's Mig-29 planes. Gyorgy Matolcsy said he was going to report to the prime minister on the Moscow discussion outcomes next week. Hungary may take a decision on the matter in the near future, said the minister.