USA IS INTERESTED IN COOPERATION WITH KAZAKHSTAN ASTANA, March 2, 2001. /RIA Novosti correspondent Revmira Voshchenko/. The American president showed a great interest in the US further cooperation with Kazakhstan, in particular in the sphere of the development and transportation of Kazakh energy resources, including by the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan route. George Bush declared this in his reply message to Nursultan Nazarbayev, in which he expressed his gratitude for the Kazakh president's message of greetings in connection with his victory in presidential elections. According to the Kazakh president's press service, George Bush stressed that in their mutual cooperation the two countries could find ways for ensuring peace, stability and prosperity in Central Asia. The United States, he said, remains a staunch advocate of Kazakhstan's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. George Bush pointed out in his message that the United States highly appraised joint activities in countering the threats of terrorism, drug trafficking and the spread of mass destruction weapons in the region. George Bush also expressed his support for reforms carried out in Kazakhstan. He assessed the cooperation between the United States and Kazakhstan as highly promising and having a great future.