RUSSIA REMITS $32.2 M TO PARIS CLUB COUNTRIES MOSCOW, March 2, 2001. /From RIA Novosti's Alla Isayeva/. Russia remitted $32.2 million, which are part of the principal debt on the earlier non-restructured loans, to the Paris Club countries today. In this way, the remittance of payments on the debt to the Paris Club for February has been completed, Russian vice premier and finance minister Alexei Kudrin told the press. A total of $1,305,000,000 were remitted to the Paris Club in February. This amount included both interest on debt-servicing and a part of the principal debt. Apart from that, within a month Russia will pay the Paris Club 50% of the debt on January payments, which fully refer to the repayment of the principal debt, earlier non-restructured, he said.