NATO, RUSSIA, UKRAINE ROMANIA'S NATURAL PARTNERS BUCHAREST, March 1. /From RIA Novosti's Gennadi Abalov/. Romania is to increase its military allocations by 35% against last year's to comply with army updating obligations to NATO, President Ion Iliescu said to a news conference after a cabinet session debated preparations to join the alliance. To join NATO is the only possible way to guarantee national security, hold 85% of the Romanian population--an opinion shared on the country's political top, said the President. Nevertheless, he and the Prime Minister deem it necessary once again to consult all parliamentary party leaders and community activists on the ways and means to urgently join NATO. The consultations will finish with a declaration to confirm the nation's political choice. Romanian membership of NATO is determined by a necessity for peace and stability in Europe. It is not spearheaded against anyone, in particular, Romania's eastern neighbours. Russia and Ukraine are its natural partners in no lesser extent than NATO, said the President.