RUSSIA CALLS GENEVA DISARMAMENT CONFERENCE TO BUILD UP ACTIVITY MOSCOW, March 1. /From RIA Novosti's Alexander Smotrov/. Russia calls the Geneva disarmament conference to be more active, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said to RIA Novosti. The ministry made a detailed study of the Chinese spokesman's recent address to the conference, and Moscow fully shares Beijing's alarm as nuclear disarmament is making no practical progress. The ministry supports a majority of countries, which are uneasy as the USA is blueprinting a national missile defence shield with prospects to give it a global scope and spread military efforts into space. Russia is calling the Geneva conference ad hoc committee for prevention of space-based arms race to resume intensive and fruitful activities. Moscow once again points out a necessity to preserve and strengthen the ABM treaty of 1972, which is the cornerstone of strategic stability, as the US Administration acknowledged last year. The treaty enables the world to go on cutting strategic offensive arsenals and preserve an available system of international treaties for missile and nuclear nonproliferation, say ministerial officers.